• Cafe of Life NY / Ciaran E. Cullen, Vitalistic ChiropractorNeighbor

  • Larchmont-Mamaroneck, NY


<br>ChiropracTIC is a LIFESTYLE and is for EVERYONE who desires to get the most out of LIFE!

ChiropracTIC is the application of the PHILOSOPHY known as Vitalism; the SCIENCE of Biology (The Study of Life); and the ART of assisting you in the expression of Your Maximal Life Potential.

ChiropracTIC is predicated on Universal Laws. These principles simply acknowledge that the body NATURALLY strives toward the processes of adaptation, growth, and evolution. Healing and expressing greater levels of health and wellness are merely aspects of these processes. <br><br>Healing is the normal expression of your body&#39;s MASTER PLAN, which is <br>controlled by what we refer to in ChiropracTIC as your INNATE (Inborn)<br>INTELLIGENCE. Innate Intelligence is a term used to help describe and <br>understand the FORCE that animates the body.<br><br>It is part of the body&#39;s master plan to use the Neuro-Spinal System as the means to help us adapt <br>to an ever changing and stressful world, as well as coordinate the mind boggling number<br>(100,000 X 100,000,000,000,000) of chemical reactions every second, necessary for creating

this process we call Health.<br><br>If any life experience you encounter (Physical, Chemical and Emotional/Mental Stress) becomes more than you can handle at any point in time, The healthy TONE of your Neuro-Spinal System becomes overwhelmed and stops functioning with the EASE that is essential for creating health.  These stresses are then stored in the body as patterns of tension known as SUBLUXATION Processes. As a result, of a subluxation processes, you move into a process referred to as DIS–EASE and your ability to adapt and to create health becomes severely compromised.

This is where the ART of the specific ChiropracTIC ADJUSTMENTS or ATTUNEMENTS are essential and vital.  The adjustments are a combination of light touches and at times gentle structural forces designed to reestablish the proper TONE of your Neuro-Spinal System thereby connecting you to greater levels of yourself. The result… Greater possibilities and potentials for living an Abundant Life. <br><br>Simply put, whatever your state or level of health is, you are much better off with a<br>healthy Neuro-Spinal  system.

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